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Tech – Travel – Remote Work – Investing

If any of those topics interest you, then you’ve come to the right place. My name is Justin. Since 2016, I have been working remotely with a career in search engine marketing. Throughout the years, I have managed to visit 60+ countries. I also have diversified investments across multiple countries.

Over the years, I have been trying to craft my dream lifestyle: a fulfilling career, multiple homes in different countries, multiple citizenships/residencies, amazing travel experiences, stable and diversified income and investments.

This site is my space for publicly sharing and discussing anything that I find interesting or worth sharing. That being said, I try to keep my blog posts related to tech, travel, remote work, and investing. In a nutshell, I suppose you could think of this site as my thoughts and roadmap for doing well in the 21st century, both financially and emotionally. A guide on how to craft your own dream lifestyle.

If you’re interested in keeping up with my content and thoughts, a great first step would be to sign up to my newsletter below.

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Work Remotely

Get a remote job. Ideally in a high demand tech field. Once you can work remotely, the world is your oyster. Earn first world wages in hard currency and go live in a country that strikes a good balance between quality of life, cost of living, and taxes.


There’s a big world out there. Chances are you can find at least one place that is better for you than where you are now. Better in terms of finances, lifestyle, politics, etc. But you’ll never know if you don’t explore and get out of your comfort zone.


When you’re working remotely and spending most of your time in low cost of living and/or low tax countries, you should be able to save and invest a lot of money.  Before long, you can retire early or keep working on only what matters to you.

Establish Bases

After you’ve been exploring for a while, you should know what you like and what you don’t like. Boil things down to a few favorites. If establishing a base in a foreign country, consider any available investment migration programs to make migration easier/quicker.

Enhanced Conversion Tracking

As protecting user privacy becomes more of a concern, conversion tracking for marketing campaigns has become more challenging. For example, many browsers and devices have privacy centric features enabled by default. No 3rd party cookies, do not track requests, ad...

Minimizing Personal Tax

At some point in your life, you have probably wondered how to minimize your tax burden. How to legally pay less or even zero tax. Depending on your personal situation, your options can vary significantly for living a tax free or tax minimal lifestyle. The aim of this...

Digital Nomad Visas

Prior to the pandemic, very few governments were even thinking about remote workers or digital nomads. Working online simply wasn't mainstream and wasn't on the radar for many governments. In fact, the first digital nomad visa wasn't released until June 2020 by...

Digital Nomad Economic Optimization

Important: This article is for people who are already digital nomads that are looking to optimize their lifestyle from a financial perspective. This article is not about how to become a digital nomad. Becoming a digital nomad and working online exploded in popularity...

Keyword Match Types Extension

As a professional search engine marketer, I spend a lot of time working with keywords. I have to research keywords, build organized keyword lists, analyze search terms reports to add new positive and negative keywords to accounts, etc. I got really tired of manually...